Wedding Photography Dos and Don'ts

Wedding Photography Tips

I have been photographing weddings for many years. I thought I would share a few of my wedding photography tips. Here, in no particular order, are a few of my favourites to think about before your big day. The first of my wedding photography tips is for the Groomsmen. If you have a mobile and/or car keys on you, please don’t put them in a trouser pocket. It is not a good look in the photos. Place them in the […]

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outdoor wedding photography

Outdoor Weddings In Ceredigion

Outdoor wedding photography in Ceredigion

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small micro wedding

The Smaller and Micro Wedding

While the wedding industry tries to determine how weddings in 2021 will look I will share a few thoughts regarding the advantages of hosting the smaller and micro wedding. The wedding industry has been hit particularly badly by Covid-19. This time last year my wedding season was fully booked for what looked to be a spectacular year ahead for my business. I had a few early season weddings in February, but by late March it became clear that a dark […]

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