Wedding Pinterest Sarah Cook

Planning Your Wedding with Pinterest

To pin or not to pin? That is the question… What a fantastic wedding planning tool Pinterest is! In this social media savvy world in which we live, every Bride should be signed up and pinning her thoughts and ideas. No longer is it necessary to be filling folders and files with cuttings from Bridal magazines and post-it notes.

Pinterest is an amazing FREE resource when it comes to planning your wedding day. Literally thousands upon thousands of gorgeous pictures and ideas at your fingertips. All the inspiration you could possibly need to make your day special. There are Wedding boards with flowers, dresses, hair and make-up, venue details… the list just goes on!

All these images can be very overwhelming when you first start out on Pinterest. My advise is to set up several ‘boards’ for each area of your wedding planning. For example, one named “Dress Inspiration’, one for ‘Wedding Photography Ideas’, or perhaps ‘Rustic Barn Decorations’. Then gradually add your pins to build your wedding dream. If you just pin to one Wedding board you will end up with an unruly array of pins. By setting up individual boards you can also then share ideas with your suppliers and anyone else involved in your wedding planning.

I always encourage my couples to set up a Wedding Photography Board on Pinterest. This is the place where we may both pin our ideas. We look at inspiration for backgrounds, poses, props, settings, etc. for their Bride and Groom’s wedding day pictures. It helps give me a clear understanding of the style of photography they like and the feel of how they want their own photos to look. By the time we meet up for the wedding planning meeting a month before the big day I already have a great insight into who the couple are are what they want to achieve. As a photographer this is invaluable.

Sarah Cook Wedding Photography with Pinterest

It is very easy to get carried away with your pins. One useful tip is to write a little description of why you chose to pin an idea or what you like about something each time you pin. This can be a very useful reference especially if your wedding planning takes a year or so. I love it when my Bride’s pin a photography idea and write a little note. It helps me understand why they like a particular shot or idea, it gives me a little peak into their world before our wedding day photo shoot.

On a personal level I love Pinterest because it gives me so many ideas to try out at a wedding or on a lifestyle photo shoot. It helps me stay current. I love to see what is on trend for this year’s wedding season and in photography generally. It offers me an opportunity to embrace new ideas.

So for me… it’s a PIN every time!